Scripture: Genesis 13-14, 18-19
Learning Objectives:
- Students will review the story of Abraham and Lot.
- Students will learn Abraham and Lot had flocks of sheep.
- Students will learn the basics of the water cycle and the various forms water can take.
- Students will participate in an activity to attempt to find a way to replicate the water cycle using the various forms of water and some basic supplies.
Guiding Question: How can we demonstrate the water cycle using only ice, a bowl, a cup, plastic wrap and twine?
Materials: large clear bowl , small clear cup, ice cubes, plastic wrap, twine, scissors (each student group should have a set of these supplies)
Procedure: Review the story of Abraham and Lot. Explain to students how Abraham and Lot had to separate their families and flocks because they had a difficult time finding enough water to take care of all of their animals and people. Review the basics of the water cycle. Divide students into groups of two or three. Give each group the supplies listed above. Challenge the students to use what they know about the water cycle and the materials provided to demonstrate the water cycle. (Note: For this to work quickly, the experiment needs to be placed under a lamp that gives off heat or in direct outdoor sunlight.) Allow students enough time to experiment, without so much time successful groups become bored. Have students share their solutions. (There may be more than one solution which works. One option is to place the cup in the middle of the bowl. Surround the cup with a large number of ice cubes. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap – secured with twine if necessary. Heat will melt the ice and cause condensation on the plastic wrap. The condensation will eventually “rain” into the cup.)
Additional Questions:
- How can land, air and/or water pollution change the safety of the water at each point of the water cycle?
Supplemental Activity: Have more advanced students research how various types of pollution can change the quality of water at each point in the water cycle. Encourage them to repeat the experiment introducing “pollution” at some point. How does the “pollution” change the purity of the water?