Scripture: 2 Samuel 24 and I Chronicles 21
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Satan can still convince godly people to disobey God.
- Students will learn David’s pride and perhaps lack of faith in God caused him to sin. We too can let our pride and lack of faith cause us to make poor choices.
- Students will learn it is important to listen to godly people and take their advice when it too is godly.
- Students will review multiplication facts.
Guiding Question: How can pride pull us away from God?
Materials: Toy or paper soldiers.
Procedure: Review the story of David counting the fighting men. Have students share why they think David chose to disobey God. Reinforce with students that even though David was a man after God’s own heart, Satan was still able to find a way to convince David to disobey God. Explain that David’s pride and possible lack of faith in God at the time was used by Satan to help lure David to disobey God. Explain that Satan knows what our weaknesses are just like God does. However Satan will try his best to take our weaknesses and use them to lead us away from God. Explain that is why it is very important to seek godly advice from others and turn to the Bible for advice.
Introduce the activity. Explain to the students that they are going to review multiplication by counting David’s fighting men. Provide an example: There are 5 troops with ten soldiers in each troop. How many fighting men does David have?. Model for students how to solve using toy soldiers and algorithm/equation. Provide students with more problems to practice with and assist students as needed.
Additional Questions: How can students work with division?
Supplemental Activity: Review division with examples of David’s fighting men. Provide example: David has 100 men and needs to put them into 5 equal groups. How many men will be in each group?. Model how to solve problem and then give students a chance to practice with similar problems. Allow students to share in front of class if there is enough time.