Scripture: I Kings 18:1-19:18
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God is the only god we should worship.
- Students will learn that just like Baal, false gods like money, beauty and even power have no strength or value compared to God.
- Students will learn sometimes God shows himself to us in quiet ways like the whisper to Elijah.
- Students will learn words used when worshipping God.
Guiding Question: How can words be used specifically when worshipping God?
Materials: None needed
Procedure: Review the story of Elijah and Mt. Carmel from the scriptures above. Emphasize the people’s dependence on idols and how the idols distracted them from the true God. Explain that idols are not just statues like the story. Idols can be anything that distracts us from God or becomes a priority in our life. Idols can be a multitude of things – a job, other people, TV, video games, sports, etc. Remind the students that there is nothing wrong with enjoying things like our jobs and TV but they should never come before God. Distractions can keep us from the important things in life. Listening to God requires attention and focus on Him, not on distractions and idols.
Introduce the activity. Go around the church with the students and teaching them words used when worshipping God. Don’t forget words they may find when reading the Bible or listening to a sermon. Have the students practice using these words throughout the walk in the church.
Additional Questions: How can students correctly use words related to worshipping God?
Supplemental Activity: After teaching and reviewing words used in church for worshipping God, have the students draw a picture of their church and label using new words learned.