Scripture: Exodus 13-16
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn how God provided for the Israelites as they escaped Egypt.
- Students will learn the importance retelling history.
- Students will practice a form of key-word note taking to help the listen and retell a story.
Guiding Questions:
How can we take notes to remember an important story so that we can retell it later?
Why is it important to write down history and share it with others?
Materials: paper, writing utensils
Procedure: Review the Israelite’s escape from Egypt focusing on how it became a cornerstone story of Israelite history and was passed down for generations. When Miriam sang her song, it was a way of retelling the story. What were the key ideas in the story?
Tell students that one way to take notes is to write key words. Give students an example using the Exodus story. You might write down the words: firstborn son, bread without yeast, Canaan, cloud and fire, Red Sea, Miriam’s song, springs, manna. These words prod your memory so that you know what to elaborate on and explain.
Have students divide into pairs and practice this with each other. They can tell any story they like. It can be another Bible story, community story, personal story etc. One person tells their story while the other one writes down notes. Then the note-taker tells it back to the person. For perfectionist students, emphasize that though they want the story to be as close the original as possible, it does not have to be quite as detailed and the original teller should be patient if they re-teller doesn’t say it quite like they wish.
Additional Questions:
- What is the most challenging part about choosing the words to write?
- Why is it important to take notes on history and retell it to generations?
- How did Miriam’s song help the Israelites?
- How does this story show you how God provides for His people?
Supplemental Activities:
- Students can make illustrations to go with their notes.
- Students can write songs or rhythms to go with their story.
Written by: Savannah Negas