Scripture: Esther
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God often puts His people where He wants them in order to do certain things for Him.
- Students will learn sometimes we must be very brave to do what God wants us to do.
- Students will learn God expects us to do what He wants us to do even if it scares us.
- Students will learn how to use adjectives to describe people.
Guiding Question: Why is it important to place our faith in God?
Materials: Various photos of people
Procedure: Review the story of Esther with the students – particularly the Celebration of Purim. Explain that Purim is a holiday for remembering the story of Esther. Tell the students that during this holiday, people give little gifts (usually of food) to their neighbors. Explain that God wants us to reach out to others and be brave in sharing our faith. God expects us to do what He has called us to and to trust Him even when we do not fully understand what He is doing. God places people in our lives that He calls us to share our faith with and we can trust Him to help us when it is part of His plan.
Introduce the activity. Show the students various photos of people. Have the students give various adjectives that could be used to describe that person. (also have a discussion about appropriate and inappropriate ways of describing others). Hold up a picture and have each student give an adjective to describe that person until there are no more adjectives left to describe them.
Additional Questions: How can students practice describing others?
Supplemental Activity: Have each student come up and have students come up with stick a post it note on that person with an APPROPRIATE adjective that describes them.