Scripture: Ezekiel
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn living in a fallen world sometimes means bad times can go on for a very long time.
- Students will learn God is with us even in the bad times.
- Students will learn in bad times our hope is found in God.
Interesting Facts:
- Ezekiel was one of the first group of captors taken by Babylon. He wrote before they destroyed Jerusalem and took the final group of captives.
- Ezekiel was from a family of priests. He had his own family and house in Babylon once he was taken captive. He was given a large amount of freedom in captivity and was considered to be intelligent and well educated.
Bible Lesson
- coming soon!
Service Project
- coming soon!
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- coming soon!