Bird Migration Patterns

Scripture: Numbers 10-11

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God organized the Israeiltes to journey towards the Promised Land.
  • Students will learn God gives us other people to help do His work.
  • Students will learn that sometimes God will give us what we want, even though we don’t need it, in order to teach us important lessons.
  • Students will learn about bird migration patterns.

Guiding Question: How can students learn about bird’s migration patterns?

Materials: Information from resources, internet access, printed out handouts about bird migration

Procedure: Review with the students that God had just delivered the people from horrible slavery. Discuss what the people should have been grateful for instead of complaining. Ask the students how all of the complaining might have affected Moses and Aaron and their leadership. What about Joshua, who was in training to become the next leader? What about the people themselves? Ask the students what things they complain and whine about a lot. What should they be grateful for instead? Explain that sometimes God wants to teach us important lessons so sometimes he gives us something he knows we need to deal with or grow through in order to learn a lesson. God will provide us with the provisions and people we need in order to get through tough times and we should be grateful for that.

Introduce the activity. Remind students that God provided the quail regardless of whether or not He used migrating birds to do so. With the students, study migrating habits of birds and create a bird watching chart for your area that will let birdwatchers know when they might expect to see various birds.


Additional Questions: How can students learn about a specific bird’s lifestyle?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students pick one of their favorite birds from your area or any environment. The students can research about the bird and its specific migration patterns to then present to the class.

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