Scripture: I Kings 16:29-17:24
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn hard times can happen even to those who follow God.
- Students will learn God does not desert us in hard times, but like He did for Elijah, God cares for us during difficult times.
- Students will learn God sometimes (but not always in the ways we want!) blesses us in earthly ways for our obedience.
- Students will learn how to measure rainfall.
Guiding Question:
Materials: permanent marker, empty jars or plastic bottles, tape, scissors, rulers
Procedure: Review the story of Elijah from the scriptures above. Emphasize that even when life presents challenges, God will always be there for us and will take care of us. Remind students of the importance of obeying God. There are times where God will bless us in a special way because of our obedience to Him. This is not every single time we obey, but happens when it is part of God’s plan.
Introduce the activity. Have the students look at the average rainfall for your area. What levels of rainfall would cause flooding? What levels would mean you are in a drought? Have the students make a rain gauge: ( and measure the rainfall in their yard for a month (if students live in an apartment, help them find another location to place their rain gauge).
Additional Questions: How can students learn how environments are different depending on rainfall?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students research different amounts of rainfall in various regions of their country and how the environment is affected by the rainfall.