Scripture: I Kings 13-14
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God expects complete obedience from us.
- Students will learn God sometimes gives us earthly consequences when we disobey Him.
- Students will learn, just like Jeroboam, sometimes when people begin disobeying God, they continue to move farther and farther away from Him over time.
Interesting Facts:
- Lions were common in Israel in Old Testament times. The fact that the donkey was not frightened away or eaten by the lion was the way God made it clear this punishment was from Him and not a coincidence.
- Tirzah was the capitol city of the northern kingdom until King Omri moved the capitol to Samaria.
Bible Lesson
- coming soon!
Service Project
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- coming soon!