Scripture: Matthew 14:15-21, Mark 6:35-44, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:5-14
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God cares about our needs.
- Students will learn nothing is impossible for God if it is in His will.
- Students will learn God can take what we give Him and do amazing things with it.
- Students will practice counting by ones.
Guiding Question: How can God work through the impossible?
Materials: Manipulatives for counting, space for writing – chalkboard or whiteboard
Procedure: Review the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 from the scriptures above. Explain how difficult it can be to feed a lot of people when budgets are tight. Discuss that even when things are difficult or money seems tight to get food, nothing is impossible for God and He will always provide. Tell the students about how homeless shelters, food banks, and churches often provided food for those in need. Those that work at homeless shelters have to do a lot of counting of their supplies, food, and the people coming in and out of their facility in order to know what kind and how many donations they need.
Introduce the activity. Have students share what they believe is the highest number they can count to by ones. Lead students in counting by ones to 100. After that, have the students share if they think they can count to 5000. Show patterns in numbers that are seen when counting to 5000. If needing a challenge, explain that there is a fast way to count to 5000 and have students practice counting to 5000 by 10’s, 25’s, 100’s or 1000’s.
Additional Questions: How can students combine music and counting?
Supplemental Activity: Have students create a song that teaches how to count by one’s.