How Much Food Do We Need?

Scripture: Genesis 39-41

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God has a plan, but sometimes bad things still happen.
  • Students will learn that God is always working, even when bad things happen.
  • Students will learn that God can use whatever happens to us (good or bad to prepare us for what He wants us to do).
  • Students will learn God sometimes God will ask us to wait for the next step of His plan to happen.
  • Students will learn we can serve God anywhere we are.
  • Students will learn how to solve math multi step operations.

Guiding Question: How can students learn to solve multi step operational problems?

Materials: Miniature people, small bags of food, multi step problems created based on age/academic level of students

Procedure: Review the story of Joseph in Egypt. Tell students that God is always looking out for us and working out situations for us even when we do not realize it. Sometimes we have to be patient and trust that even though we do not understand something, God is in control and can work through bad situations. Review Pharaoh’s dreams and their meanings. 

Introduce the activity. Have the students determine how much food will we need with multi step operations. Ex. Number of people x amount of food each person needs each day/month/year x number of those time periods in seven years. Then give other similar problems. Illustrate with miniature people, small bags of food, etc. if needed.

Additional Questions: How can students work together to solve multi step operation problems?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students create multi step operation problems for a partner to solve. Have the partners swap problems, solve, and check each other’s work.

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