Self-Control Action Plan

Answer the first question, then create a STOP action plan for each problem area.

  1. What are the situations when I tend to have problems showing self-control? List each one.
  2. For each of the situations listed above, creat a STOP action plan. Add any Bible verses that apply at the end of the plan. You may want to memorize some of these to help you when you are in these situations.

Stop everything. Don’t say or do anything else until you complete the other steps.

Think about what you are being tempted to say or do that would make God unhappy. (There may be more than one thing.)

Options, what are some better, more godly options of things I can say or do instead?

Pray and ask God to help you have self-control and only say and do the things that are pleasing to Him

Bible Verses:

Problem Situation 1





Bible Verses:

Problem Situation 2





Bible Verses

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