Scripture: Luke 10:38-42
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God wants us to make Him our first priority in life.
- Students will learn God wants us to avoid being distracted by worldly things.
- Students will learn God wants us to listen to His words.
- Students will learn how to serve others to make them feel appreciated.
Guiding Question: How does showing appreciation make people feel valued by others and God?
Materials: Dishes, cups, utensils, napkins, ingredients needed for the meal you choose to prepare
Procedure: Review the story of Mary and Martha from the scripture above. Explain how God wants to be the first priority in our life so that we stay strong Christians and don’t get bogged down by the things of the world. Ask the students what are some things they worry about and how it can get in the way of time spent with God. Tell students that when they are worried, they can simply talk to God and ask Him to help them with their worries.
Introduce the service project. Explain that some people worry that they are not appreciated or important. Tell the students that they are going to work together and cook a meal for a group of people (church volunteers, elderly, etc) to show them that they are appreciated and important. Have the students host a dinner one night at church and invite those they are choosing to serve. Have the students create the menu and cook the meal for those who come while also thanking them for what they do and telling them how much God loves and appreciates them.
Additional Questions: How can students show appreciation toward their family?
Supplemental Activity: Have each student come up with two chores that they can do around the house that week and make a plan for how they are going to accomplish that week.