Scripture: Exodus 3-4:17
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn that even when people sin, God can still use them later to do His will.
- Students will learn sometimes God makes people take a long time to prepare for something He wants them to do.
- Students will learn when God wants them to do something, He will provide what they need to accomplish His will.
- Students will learn about excuses how to not give excuses for the things God wants us to do.
Guiding Question: Why do we need to obey God when He wants to use us for His Kingdom?
Materials: Cards with scenarios (see examples)
Procedure: Review the story of Moses in exile from the scripture above. Emphasize that God wants us to be a part of serving His Kingdom and be willing to help others who are in need. Explain that it is easy for us to want to give excuses for why we cannot or do not want to do something. This can be our way of trying to get out of doing something or helping someone. Explain that when God wants us to do something for Him, He will give us all we need for it and we just need to place our trust in Him. Tell students that God can use us for good no matter what our past is and can use our past mistakes to help others learn from them. We need to be open to what God has prepared for us and be patient for Him to prepare us for what He has called us to.
Introduce the activity. Tell students they are going to play a “Moses excuses game”. Split the students into two teams. One team will pull card with something God wants us to do and give excuses why you “can’t “ obey God. The other team has to explain why those aren’t good reasons for not doing what God wants us to do.
- Opportunity for a mission trip. Excuses: Dont want to take time to raise the money, dont want to go to another country, easier to stay at home and serve people in the community
- God wants you to surround yourself with godly people. Excuses: have to change friend groups, dont know where to find those people
Additional Questions: How do we give excuses in our work and school?
Supplemental Activity: Have students brainstorm common situations at home and school that they give excuses for. Then have them make a plan for how they are going to stop giving excuses and turn to God to help them obey and do what is right.