Job Hunt

Scripture: Acts 19:1-41

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God does not want us involved in sorcery or evil deeds.
  • Students will learn some Gentiles rejected Christ because they made money off of those who worshipped the false gods.
  • Students will learn sometimes Christians need to be wise like Paul and stay away from situations where people are too worked up and violent to listen to God’s message.
  • Students will create job ads using job hunting and job skills language to enhance their vocabulary

Guiding Question: How do idols keep us from fully devoting ourselves to God? How does the way we speak help others to better understand us?

Materials: Large white construction paper, markers, pens, pencils

Procedure: Review the story of Paul and the Silversmiths from the scriptures above. Emphasize that Paul’s teaching against idols was done in order to help lead others toward the one true God who they could fully devote themselves to. Tell the students that idols are distracting and can be anything that we put as a priority over God. Remind students that the silversmiths were upset because they were afraid Paul’s teaching would destroy their business and they would have to find a new job. Even if God puts us in a place where we feel uncomfortable, He will always provide.

Give each students a piece of white construction paper and have them make help wanted ads for any job they choose (within reason of course). Some students may need to see examples of help wanted ads depending on their age/prior experiences. Tell the students that they should use job skills vocabulary in their ads. (employee, application, career, reference, attitude, occupation, etc)

When the ads are finished, have each student share their ad with the class to see which skills certain students may have that could fill the ad’s requirements. Have the students who could fill the ad’s requirements use job hunting vocabulary. (interview, qualification, punctual, skill, strength, etc.)

Additional Questions: How can students understand the process of finding a job?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students participate in a mock interview in partners or in a small group. The group comes up with an ad for a job and provides it to the student to review. The group and students have 10 minutes to prepare – group prepares interview questions and the students prepares how to impress the group and interview well.

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