Scripture: Romans, I and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I and 2 Thessalonians, I and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Paul wrote many letters to people and churches.
- Students will learn God inspired Paul to write these letters to help people understand how to live a Christian life.
- Students will learn Paul’s letters can help us learn how God wants us to lives our lives as Christians.
- Students will learn how to write a proper letter.
Guiding Question: Why does God wants us to encourage others and share our faith with others?
Materials: Letter paper, pens, pencils, envelopes
Procedure: Review the meaning behind Paul’s letters and what books of the Bible are Paul’s letters. Explain that Paul’s letters were meant to encourage people and churches while also helping them understand how to live a Christian lifestyle. Since many people were new Christians, Paul wrote them letters to share his understanding of God, his experiences, and encourage them in their faith. Remind students that God wants them to share their faith and encourage each other in a Godly way as much as they can. People who are new to Christianity especially need encouragement and understanding of God’s word and what He expects from us. Writing letters to others is a personal and genuine way to reach others and encourage them.
Tell the students that they are going to learn how to write a proper letter and that they will get to choose who they want to write a letter of encouragement to. Teach students how to include the following in a letter: date, salutation, beginning/middle/end of the letter. After you go over each part, have students choose someone who needs encouragement to write a letter to. Students can mail the letters if possible.
Additional Questions: How can students encourage each other through conversation?
Supplemental Activity: Provide students with different ways they could encourage each other through conversation. Have students get into pairs and practice a conversation where they encourage the other person. When students are done practicing, they can share in front of the class.