Scripture: Psalm 100
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Psalms had at least seven authors and several Psalms do not list any author.
- Students will learn about 98 of the Psalms are celebrating and worshipping God.
- Students will learn Psalms are often sung and have comforted God’s people for thousands of years.
- Students will learn how to determine the amount of syllables in different words.
Guiding Question: How can we celebrate and worship God every day? How can we find syllables in words?
Materials: Children’s bibles or Psalms on paper for students to work with
Procedure: Review the Psalms of Joy with the students. Have the students pick our parts of the Psalms that show joy. Ask the students when they celebrate and worship God. Explain that this is something that can be done every day, regardless of our circumstances.
Tell the students they are going to practice clapping syllables of various words in the Psalms. Model this for the students with 2-3 words. Then pick some words for the whole class to do together. Allow the students to then pick 2-3 words they would like to clap syllables for in front of the class.
Additional Questions: How can songs be created to worship God?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students use Psalm 100 as inspiration to create their own song of worship and celebration. Challenge the students to use at least 5 words that have 4-5 syllables.