Scripture: Psalm 3
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn about 32 of the Psalms were written by people crying out to God in bad times.
- Students will learn it is okay for us to tell God when we are sad and scared and ask him to help us.
- Students will learn God understands when we don’t understand why bad things are happening in our lives and wants to comfort us.
- Students will complete a service project where they send notes and gifts of encouragement to those who are struggling.
Guiding Question: How can we serve others in difficult situations just as God serves us when we struggle?
Materials: Paper, pens, markers, crayons, cellophane bags, twist ties/ribbon, candy/snacks
Procedure: Review the message of the asking for God’s help from the scripture above. Tell students that the best thing they can do when they are sad or scared is to reach out to God and pray for help. Explain that God is always there to comfort us when we are upset. Remind students that they may not always understand why bad things are happening but it is important to remember that God knows all things and will comfort them and bring good out of all bad situations. Ask students about how they would have liked to feel encouraged by others during times when they were sad or struggling with something.
Introduce the service project. Explain to the students that they are going to make cards and/or goody bags (your choice) for those they know who are struggling. This could be people on the congregation’s prayer list, friends, family, etc. Have the students create the cards and fill goody bags with candy and/or snacks. Students can distribute these bags after class or throughout the follow week. If students share the bags with friends or family during the week, have them report back the follow Sunday about how the person reacted and how it helped share God’s love.
Additional Questions: How can we remember to turn to the Bible for encouragement?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students find Bible verses that they can make a list of to turn to when they are feeling different emotions (sad, angry, confused, etc.)