Scripture: Acts 8:1-40
Learning Objectives:
- Students will review the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch.
- Students will learn what is important to share to help people learn about God.
- Students will learn what it means to share God to others.
- Students will develop understanding of how to share their faith with others.
Guiding Question: Why does God want us to share His Word with others?
Materials: 1st Century robes, chariot, scroll
*Optional: wooden chariot, animals
Procedure: Review the story of Philip and how the Ethiopian Eunuch came to be saved. Discuss how Philip shared his faith with the Eunuch and the importance of baptism in the conversion process. Give students the script and have them act out the stories of Philip’s mission activities from Acts 8:1-40. Allow the children to take turns riding the chariot. While waiting for their turn, tell the students that there are opportunities every day for us to share God with others and provide examples. Ask the students to tell ways (both small and big) that they could share their faith.
Additional Questions:
- Who is someone you could share your faith with and why is it important to share God with them?
Supplemental Activity: Have interested students interview older Christians about what they say when they share their faith with others. If students thought of someone in the question above, encourage them to ask that person to come to Bible class with them.