Scripture: 1 Samuel 18-19
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn jealousy and envy will cause us to sin.
- Students will learn true friends will help protect us from evil.
- Students will learn bad things can happen even to people who obey God, but that does not mean God is not with them.
- Students will learn the names of various musical instruments.
Guiding Question: Why does God want us to stay away from envy?
Materials: Musical instruments (or pictures), sheet music
Procedure: Review the story of Saul and David from the scriptures above. Highlight that jealousy and envy will lead to sin and turning away from God/how He wants us to treat others. Explain that Saul got caught up in greed and envy and gave himself over to sinful ways. God knows acting like Saul can lead down a bad path which is why He wants us to be content and show gratefulness. Being content and grateful can show God to others and help you live a more godly life. God gives us all special talents that are unique in serving God and His Kingdom. It is better to spend time working on your talent and serving God with it than comparing yourself to others and becoming greedy.
Introduce the activity. Remind students that one of David’s talents was musical, as he played the lyre. Show students a picture of a lyre and explain how it is used. Then show students musical instruments (or photos), sheet music, etc. Teach the students the different music words for sheet music and the words for the musical instruments. Allow students to pass around and use musical instruments if appropriate.
Additional Questions: How can students learn about different musical instruments?
Supplemental Activity: Have students play a music memory matching game. On index cards, glue pictures of musical instruments and their names. Students will have to flip over two cards and they can keep the cards if the name matches the instrument.