Scripture: Acts 9:1-31
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Saul loved God, but didn’t understand what God really wanted Him to do.
- Students will learn as soon as Saul learned what God really wanted him to do, he totally changed his life and converted people to Christianity.
- Students will learn God wants us to do what He asks us to do.
- Students will learn how to use past, present, and future tense verbs.
Guiding Question: How can students learn the difference between past, present, and future tense verbs?
Materials: None needed
Procedure: Review the story of Ananias and Saul’s conversion with the students. Discuss how God often works through others to help share the story of Jesus. Tell students how important it is to follow God and look for how He gives us guidance and direction because we never know who He could lead us to. God has a plan for all of us including providing us with many opportunities to share about Jesus with others.
Introduce the activity. Using the story of Saul/Paul, introduce the concept of past, present and future tense verbs. Give the students verbs in one of the three tenses and have them respond with the same verb in the other two tenses.
Additional Questions: How can students apply knowledge of past, present, and future tense verbs?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students create a board game with questions focused on past, present, and future tense verbs. Students can work in groups of up to three people to create the game.