Scripture Salt Painting

Scripture: Daniel 3

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God expects us to follow Him even if others threaten to hurt or kill us if we do.
  • Students will learn God wants us to have faith in Him.
  • Students will learn even if God does not stop evil people from hurting us when we obey Him, He will make sure His people spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
  • Students will learn about being the salt in the world through an art salt painting.

Guiding Question: How can students represent Bible stories?

Materials: Paper plates, salt (Note: Salt naturally comes in several colors if you want to splurge on this activity.), liquid glue, food coloring, eye dropper for food coloring

Procedure: Review the story of Shadrach and the fire. Explain that Shadrach and the others had to have a very strong faith in God during that situation and trust that God would take care of them no matter how scary the situation became. God used the situation with the fire to prove who He is and what He is able to do. When we are put in tough situations that may seem scary or uncomfortable, we have to hold on to our faith and trust that God will take care of us and/or use us to further His Kingdom and fulfill His plan for our life. Have the students share some situations that they may encounter where they may be scared or it would be hard to trust God and what they could do during that time to stay obedient. Talk to students about boldly obeying God and trusting Him even though bad things are happening to us because we are obeying God – teasing, being left out, etc.  

Introduce the activity. Have the students make scripture art salt paintings. The art painting will be of Daniel 3:17-18 and picture of Bible story. Have the students draw with glue and sprinkle lots of salt on the drawing. Shake off excess (If put on glue too thickly it will run when shaking off salt.) and eye drop food coloring on salted glue. Talk with students about being salt in the world by being who God wants us to be.

Additional Questions: How can students represent the importance of salt and being salt in the world?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students bake a common baked good with and without salt – observing the differences. Talk with students about the importance of salt and why it is important for us to be salt in the world.

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