Scripture: John 10:1-18
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn about how shepherds care for their sheep.
- Students will learn Jesus is our shepherd and we are his sheep.
- Students will learn some of the things from which Jesus wants to protect us.
- Students will participate in a service project to donate clothes to others.
Guiding Question: How can students work together to clothe others?
Materials: Donated clothing
Procedure: Review the story of the Sheep and their Shepherd. Explain that just as shepherds watch over their flock of sheep with great care, Jesus watches over us with the same type of love and care. This is often why Jesus is referred to as our shepherd and we are His sheep. Ask the students to share what they think Jesus wants to protect us from and elaborate on students’ answers. Explain that Jesus wants to protect us from the sin in the world and wants to provide for all of our needs while blessing us along the way.
Introduce the service project. Have the students collect donated clothing made of wool. Have the students use methods safe for children to de-pill the clothing and donate the clothing to a ministry in need,
Additional Questions: How can students serve those their age in need of clothing?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students collect children’s school uniforms to donate to families in need of clothing for their children.