Scripture: Acts 4:23-5:11
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn the early church were united and shared everything they had with each other.
- Students will learn God hates lies.
- Students will learn God expects us to be generous with our possessions.
- Students will play Truth or Lie and learn that any lie is a sin.
Guiding Question: Why does God not want people to lie? How does lying affect others?
Materials: Game scenarios listed below
Procedure: Review the stories and highlights of the Early Church, Ananias and Sapphira from the scriptures above. Emphasize that the early church was composed of many Christians who were united under the message of Jesus. These Christians embraced each other and shared everything they had with each other. Reinforce what these scriptures say about lying and how God detests lying. Ask the students if they have ever been lied to before and if so, how did it feel. Explain that God does not want us to lie because He wants us to be honest and kind to others. Lying is often secretive and can cause hurt to others. Emphasize that any lie is a sin – no matter how big or small.
Introduce the students to the Truth or Lie game. Tell the students that you are going to read them multiple scenarios and after each one, the students will have to guess if it was a truth or a lie. If it is a lie, ask them if they think the lie was ok or not. Throughout the process, make sure to reinforce that every lie is a sin. Below are possible scenarios to use for the game. Students may come up with their own scenarios as well.
- While your mom or dad was getting ready for work, you reach into a cabinet to get a plate. You accidently drop the plate and it shatters everywhere. When your parent comes into the kitchen, you instantly blame it on your younger sibling.
- Your mom or dad asks you if you ate all the lunch they packed for you today. You say “Of course I ate all my lunch!”. What they don’t know if that you threw away the carrot stick and got chips from the vending machine to eat instead of eating the carrots they packed you.
- Your parent asks you why you weren’t answering your phone and you tell them “My phone died” but you had turned off your phone so they didn’t know you were at a friend’s house who they dont like.
- You get a bad grade on a test and your parents ask you if you studied for it the best you could. You tell them “Yes i studied! I don’t know how this happened!” but you know that you could’ve put forth more work and then probably received a better grade.
- Your friend really loves playing soccer but has had a lot of difficulty mastering some of the basic skills. She insists she is going to try out for the local soccer team and asks what you think she should do. You know she is not ready yet and should not try out yet but don’t want to hurt her feelings. You tell her that she should absolutely try out and will definitely make the team.
- Your mom or dad asks you what you did at a friend’s house. You tell them that you watched tv, played basketball, and baked some cookies. You do not tell them that the tv show you watched was one they do not like because you know you will get in trouble.
- You really want to go to the park with your friends but mom says you have to stay in until you get all your homework done. You tell her “But dad said I could go!” even though you did not ask dad.
- You tell your teacher your stomach hurts so you can get out of class even though you know your stomach just hurts because you’re hungry.
- You want to go see a new movie that your parents do not think is good for you to see. You tell them that all your friends got to go watch it but you don’t know that about them.
- You tell your parents you did your homework so they will let you play your video games. You finished your math homework, but did not finish all of your writing homework.
- You are playing a video game and your mom asks you to do a chore. You tell her that you’re game will be done in 5 minutes and then you will do it. You know the game does not end for 15 more minutes.
- Your mom or dad asks how school was today and you tell them it was fine and you got a lot of work done. What you didn’t mention was that you got a bad test grade and are now failing a class.
- Your friend is trying to tell you a story while you are playing a video game. You tell them you are listening so they don’t feel bad but your main focus is on the game.
- Your friend gets upset after you tell a sarcastic joke about them but then you tell them “just kidding!” even though you were not kidding.
- You tell your mom you’re going to see a PG-13 movie but you and your friend sneak in to watch an R rated movie.
Additional Questions: How can understanding the effects of lying make us more cautious of telling lies?
Supplemental Activity: Have students partner up and share with each other about a time they were lied to and how it made them feel. Have each pair share their takeaway and how sharing their feelings made them more aware of the effects of lying.