Scripture: Exodus 11-12
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God expects us to obey Him.
- Students will learn sometimes there are horrible earthly consequences for disobeying God.
- Students will learn obeying God can often protect us from earthly consequences.
- Students will learn about and eat foods that were eaten during the First Passover in order to better understand the culture and Biblical representations.
- Students will make communion bread for their congregation.
Guiding Question: Why does God want us to obey him?
Materials: Whole wheat flour, olive oil, salt, water, cooking utensils and cookware
Procedure: Share the story of the First Passover from the scriptures above. Explain how those celebrating the passover had to obey God’s commands for the passover and that protected them. Tell the students that God expects and wants us to obey Him so we can show Him we love and honor Him while also protecting ourselves from earthly consequences. Bad earthly consequences can happen we disobey God that can also affect people close to us. (Provide examples dependent on students’ age)
Introduce the service project. Have students make communion bread for the congregation to use for communion. Recipe: 1 c whole wheat flour ⅓ c olive oil ⅛ teaspoon of salt. ⅓ c water Bake at 425 for 8-10 minutes makes six “loaves”.
Additional Questions: How can students help serve communion leaders?
Supplemental Activity: On Sunday morning, have the students help the communion leaders by organizing the food and juice needed for communion.