Scripture: Joshua 22-24
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn little decisions can be the beginning of a move away from God.
- Students will learn God often puts people in our lives to remind us to obey God.
- Students will learn gods can be anything we make more important than God in our lives and which cause us to disobey God’s commands.
Interesting Facts:
- In Old Testament times, people would periodically renew covenants or important promises. Usually before doing so, they would review the history between the two parties involved.
- Joshua charged the people to finish the conquest God had commanded. Their failure to do so caused problems for generations to come.
Bible Lesson
- coming soon!
Service Project
- coming soon!
- Basic Literacy
- Advanced Literacy
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- coming soon!