Moses in Exile

Moses in Exile – Teach One Reach OneScripture: Exodus 3-4:17

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn that even when people sin, God can still use them later to do His will.
  • Students will learn sometimes God makes people take a long time to prepare for something He wants them to do.
  • Students will learn when God wants them to do something, He will provide what they need to accomplish His will.

Interesting Facts:

  • Moses was working as a shepherd in the land through which he would later lead the Israelites. This allowed him to learn a lot about the area, it’s dangers, where water and shelter could be found and more.
  • No one knows how to really pronounce the name of God, YHWH, but most people today say “Yahweh”.
  • About ten different names are used for the English word “God” in the bible. They all refer to the same God, but explain different parts of His “personality”.

Bible Lesson

  • coming soon!


Service Project



  • Basic Literacy
    • coming soon!
  • Advanced Literacy
    • coming soon!





  • coming soon!

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