Moses Returns to Egypt

Scripture: Exodus 4:18-6

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn sometimes God will ask us to do hard or scary things.
  • Students will learn even though God may ask us to do something that is hard for us or scares us, He still expects us to do them.
  • Students will learn that just because something is a part of God’s plan does not mean the way to the “end” will not always be quick, direct or easy.
  • Students will learn God will provide us what we need to do what He wants us to do.

Interesting Facts:

  • No one knows for sure which Pharaoh was the Pharaoh of the exodus. The popular Hollywood candidate Ramses, is highly unlikely. New evidence suggests the Pharaoh was Neferhotep I is the most likely. His mummy has never been found, the Egyptian military suddenly disappeared under his reign, he was not succeeded by his oldest son (who had died)
  • Making bricks without straw not only were harder to form, but dried more slowly and broke more easily. The Israelites may have had some sort of quota. Having to make the bricks without straw probably meant longer work hours and more punishments for not making quotas.

Bible Lesson


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  • Basic Literacy
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  • Advanced Literacy
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  • Basic Literacy
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  • Advanced Literacy
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