Activity Ideas for Spiritual Rest

You know you need physical, mental and spiritual rest. You’ve tried Netflix marathons and lying on the deck reading the latest best seller, but it doesn’t seem to help. To get the full spiritual rest you need, you need to focus on the spiritual rest and you will soon feel rested in other areas, too.

For true spiritual rest you need to focus on several areas. Within each of those areas, you have room to personalize and do the things which are most appealing to you. So what are those areas?

  • Focus on basic healthy habits. Sleep, healthy foods and exercise will help restore your body. While a hot fudge sundae and an all night movie marathon might sound fun, they will backfire. Sleep for 8-12 hours if you can. Focus on fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats (or no meat at all) and complex carbs like pasta and whole grain breads. Don’t eat foods you hate or it will seem like work. Try to at least take a walk for 30 minutes to an hour each day, but if you enjoy other types of exercise, do those instead.
  • Get back in touch with God. Too many times those in ministry get in the habit of studying the Bible only to teach others and praying for everybody without actually pouring their hearts out to God. Take whatever translation of the Bible you prefer and read for your spiritual needs. Pray as a real conversation, telling God everything about what you have been thinking and feeling. If you feel uncomfortable, reading a few Psalms can reassure you that you aren’t the first person to pour their hearts out to God. If you’ve wanted to try Bible or prayer journaling – go for it. You don’t have to have fancy supplies. Journal in a notebook instead of a wide margin Bible and use whatever craft supplies you have on hand. If you are afraid someone will read it, you can dispose of it when you are done.
  • Soak in the things of Philippians 4:8. Whether it’s nature or an art museum. Classical music, jazz or worship songs. Flowers in a vase or a great smelling candle. Allowing yourself to soak in the beautiful, good and pure gifts from God is healing. You don’t have to study them or write about them. Just soak them in and thank God for His blessings.
  • Be creative. Being made in the image of God means we have a need to be creative. Unfortunately, our educational system and our world often frown on creativity. The results don’t have to be spectacular because it is the process that can be restful. (Turn off your inner perfectionist or this won’t be restful!) So cook, paint by numbers, arrange flowers, plant a garden, knit, build something. Try something new or work on a project that has been gathering dust. Tap into your creativity.
  • Laugh with a friend or family member. Who is that person who can always see the humor in any situation? Have lunch or coffee with him or her. Let the person help you find humor in the frustrating and annoying things in your life recently. Being with someone supportive will help, as will the laughter you share.
  • Learn something new or inspiring. You have to choose carefully or as my husband points out this can be the gateway back to ministry. Take a class or read a nonfiction book. Maybe you’ve always been curious about Julia Child or how to do a Bob Ross painting. Perhaps you want to learn some new words in French. The way I can tell whether or not I am becoming rested is how I react to this category. If the very idea of reading a book or learning something new is exhausting, I need more rest. If I become creative and inspired by reading or taking a class I know I am almost rested enough to return to full time ministry again.

Don’t wait until you become ill before you give yourself Sabbath type rest. Ministry is a marathon, not a sprint and you need to stay rested to endure and finish well.

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