Joseph in Egypt

Scripture: Genesis 39-41

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God has a plan, but sometimes bad things still happen.
  • Students will learn God is always working, even when bad things happen.
  • Students will learn God can use whatever happens to us (good or bad to prepare us for what He wants us to do).
  • Students will learn God sometimes God will ask us to wait for the next step of His plan to happen.
  • Students will learn we can serve God anywhere we are.

Interesting Facts:

  • Prisons in Egypt were used to hold prisoners awaiting sentencing and some who were serving sentences.
  • Most prisoners in ancient Egypt were killed, mutilated or on very rare occasions released. Very few prisoners served sentences like in today’s prison’s
  • Dreams were very important to ancient Egyptians and they believed understanding them was often crucial.

Bible Lesson


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